Breathe.. Your mind and body will thank you!

Breathe.. Your mind and body will thank you!
There is such a thing as “breath rate,” and this refers to the number of breaths a person takes during a one-minute period.  Consciously slowing down the breath rate engages the relaxation response of our nervous system, leading to a sense of calm and a release of tension in the mind and body.

Give it a try! Next time you're feeling a bit stressed, perhaps a bit anxious… Pause.  Slowly breathe in through the nose for 5 seconds, 1-2-3-4-5, and slowly breathe out through the nose or mouth for 5 seconds, 1-2-3-4-5.  Repeat this conscious breathing exercise for 10 breath cycles.  

There now, don’t you feel better? 


Hijacked by Anxiety?? Try some of these techniques...

Anxiety...  Your heart is racing. Your palms are sweating. You can't think clearly. You feel everyone's eyes are on you. The butterflies in your stomach have teeth! You. Can't. Move.

These are just some of the descriptions of what it is like to be in the throws of anxiety.  Next time you feel like you are being hijacked by fearful thoughts and feelings, consider these suggestions:

1. S  l  o  w - d  o  w  n:  When we are anxious, everything seems to speed up, including our thoughts, our heart rate, and our breathing... At the first sign of things speeding up, see what you can do to slow things down...  Take 10 conscious breaths.. Inhale slowly for 5 seconds, 1-2-3-4-5, and exhale completely for 5 seconds, 1-2-3-4-5.  Give it a try right now....

2. Create a little distance between you and your anxiety:  If you think about it, when you're observing something else, there is a space between you and what you're observing, right? So observe where you are, right now (not where you think you are, but where you really are... walking to class, working at your desk, going down the aisles at the grocery store, etc). Observe, with words, what you are thinking or feeling. Notice what it feels like to separate yourself from your anxiety.. just for a moment.

3. Engage your senses:  Anxiety lives in your mind, but often presents itself in the body making it difficult to connect to where you are right now. Take a few moments to notice something from your sense of sight, sound, smell, taste, and/or touch.. Lie down and watch the passing clouds, listen to music, smell some oil of lavender, notice the sweetness of slowly eating a tangerine, or when available, squeeze some old fashioned silly putty.

4. Check the facts:  Anxiety feels very real yet often stems from fears about events that haven't happened yet, or ever. When you have anxious thoughts, ask yourself, "Are these thoughts really true? How do I know they are true?" Thoughts are just thoughts, nothing more, and your own gentle inquiry may help you manage anxiety in ways that feel genuinely helpful.

5. Channel it:  Not all anxiety it bad.. Just like other mental events, anxiety lies on the continuum from mildly uncomfortable to very debilitating. If the anxiety you are feeling is not too severe, you might want to channel it into something productive, like taking a walk, cleaning out a closet, creating a new playlist, or going to a yoga class.

Only two days in the year that nothing can be done...

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do, and mostly, Live.”  ~Dalai Lama XIV

This moment is the right moment to do something. This moment is the right moment to love, believe, do, and mostly, live.  Mindfulness practices are one way to train the mind to pay attention to what’s happening today, right now, in this moment.  Perhaps even as you read this post, you may notice how easily your mind takes you somewhere else. Are you thinking about the past (something that has already happened), worrying about the future (something that hasn’t happened yet), or in constant evaluation of someone else (you’re in their space, not yours)?  Now bring yourself back, to where you are right now.  Welcome to mindfulness! Your mind takes you away, and you bring it back, again and again.